Constructive CAD CE • Modeling in AutoCAD

  BMEEPAG0249elective course2015-16-1  

Zuzana Kovalova 

Simple Model

The Buda Calvinist Church

This Neo-Gothic church was the first reformed church in Buda. Building started in 1892 and was completed in 1896.

I find this church very interesting in an architetural point of view and also as a good example for learning 3D modelling in AutoCad.



Complex Model

Cathedral of St. Elizabeth

It is the biggest church in Slovakia, located in Kosice, and the most eastern gothic cathedral in Europe.

The area of the cathedral is 1200m2 with a capacity for 5000 poeple.

Building started at the ent of 14th century and finished around a year 1508.

It is a unique piece of architecture in Slovakia with a high level of decorations and details.

It belogns to national cultural heritage.
