Constructive CAD CE • Modeling in AutoCAD

  BMEEPAG0249elective course2015-16-1  

Arnau Aixala 


La Ricarda

Designed by the architect Antonio Bonet Castellana with the help of the owner Ricardo Gomis and his wife Ines Bertrand, the house Gomis more known as La ricarda it is maybe the more emblematic work in architectural terms the best example of Catalan Racionalism




Casa Uriach

Designed by the architect Jose Antonio Coderch his idea of architecture does not just answer to tecnic aspect or stetics if not an actitud infront the reality and the social aspect.He is influenced by those things that allow the architecture to be reafirmed as something that you own and it can be join to the traditional places. Goes back to the traidition looking for inspiration..
