The 4x4 house of Tadao Ando is a volume of concrete that functions as a lighthouse overlooking the sea view. The housing is of minimal dimensions in the plan, 4 × 4 meters, which develops in height. The first volume from the ground is a rectangular parallelepiped 4x8, on which is embedded a 4x4 cube, including the housing chamber.
The Pantheon of Rome is an ancient religious building located on the Piazza della Rotonda in Rome. Originally, the Pantheon was a temple dedicated to all the deities of ancient religion. It supports the largest dome of all antiquity, which remains today the largest in the world unreinforced concrete. The front porch has 16 Corinthian columns with capitals arranged in three rows: eight columns in front followed by two rows of four columns. The colonnade thus arranged delimits three naves, the central nave leads to the great door of the temple. The temple has two raised pediments, the main one on the portico, the other against the massive wall that makes the transition between the pronaos and the rotunda. The rotunda is a perfectly circular wall.