Constructive CAD CE • Modeling in AutoCAD

  BMEEPAG0249elective course2018-19-1  

NYAFOUNA Dioly Ezechiel 


Simple Model

The cathedral of Sibenik The Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik, Croatia is a triple-nave basilica with three apses and a dome (32 m high inside) in the city of Šibenik, Croatia. It is the church of the Catholic Church in Croatia, and the see of the Šibenik diocese. It is also the most important architectural monument of the Renaissance in the entire country. Since 2000, the Cathedral has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is often known as "St Jacob's", because Croatian, like many other languages, uses the same name for both "James" and "Jacob". It is dedicated to Saint James the Greater.




Complex Model

The State of Pennsylvania Monument is the largest monument on the Gettysburg battlefield. The tip of the sword of the statue of Winged Victory is 110 feet high. A staircase takes visitors to the roof of the monument, which offers a panoramic view of the battlefield. The monument is made from North Carolina granite set over an iron and concrete frame. Sculptor Samuel Murray created the 7,500 pound statue of Winged Victory which stand on top of the dome; its metal came from melted down Civil War cannon. He also created the reliefs over each of the arches. The monument was dedicated on September 27th, 1910. The statues on each side of the arches were added after April of 1913..
