Constructive CAD CE • Modeling in AutoCAD

  BMEEPAG0249elective course2018-19-1  

Gulcin Camlibel 


Simple Model

St. Margaret Church of Arpad, Budapest. Roman Catholic Church which is designed by István Möller in 1933. The church is survived after World War II and the damages are repaired. The roof structure, lead windows, interior paintings and the electricity network are renovated in between 1988-1994.

Pictures of The Church


Renders of The Model



Complex Model

Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence. Roman Catholic Cathedral which has the largest brick dome ever constructed. The cathedral, except dome, was designed by Arnolfo di Cambio. The dome is designed and completed by famous Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi.

Pictures of The Cathedral


Renders of The Model